
Selective Justice for the Balkans War Crimes (America's allies can get away with it)

Ziggy_TARDIS12/12/2012 8:05:34 pm PST

re: #8 Destro

I can call such total bullshit on the Nazis and Bosnia/Kosovo. The Nazis had a rough time trying to recruit from the Bosnians, and a Quarter-Million of them died at the hands of the Nazis and the Ustashe. And the Albanians did not cooperate with the Nazis, especially on the Holocaust. Any of our Jewish members here will tell you what the Albanians did there.

And that is so grossly insulting to the Albanians doubly, as they suffered 2 genocides in the 20th Century from the Serbians. Somewhere between a sixth to a third of the Albanian Population was annihilated in the year or two before the First World War. Proportionately, one of the Worst Genocides in Human History.

I am truly pissed you essentially called the Albanians and Bosnians Nazis.
And Serbia still hasn’t learned. They demand Kosovo back, even though their actions caused the Kosovar Albanians to want to leave in the first place, the Republika Srpska has often denied the existence of the Srebrenica Massacre, there continue to be Serbian claims on portions of Croatia, and there is high (majority+) approval of war criminals like Radovan Karadzic in the nation.

Those three have every reason to be pissed as hell at Serbia. And it is likely there will be another war, as Republika Srpska, a Serbian puppet state, will attempt to secede, despite the fact they appropriated the land the cleansed out Bosnians and Croatians. The counter-purge occurred as backlash to the first aggressive action. And I see no reason to hold those three back when Serbia will foolishly try to annex RS. They have gone through a hell so massive in my lifetime, I will never understand.

And strangely, Scandinavia (though, in Sweden’s case, it seems to be a personal grudge) seems to be in the same league as me on this. The nations who tend to advocate for do political imprisonment, and other such disgusting actions.

And as for the Croatians, I think the hell they went through when I was a toddler to first grader was more than equaling the score. Especially as their were Serbs collaborating with the Nazis as well.

The fact you called the Albanians and Bosnians Nazis truly pisses me off. Shows your true colors there, one who is quite willing to ignore 2 genocides, but whines when there is an inevitable backlash.