
Matt Drudge Godwins Himself Right Out

Dark_Falcon1/09/2013 11:04:58 am PST

re: #3 FemNaziBitch

The sad thing is that the Choir to whom Druge is singing doesn’t see this as Godwin. They are still living the Cold War.

This isn’t even the Cold War. This is about a media subculture that has made its money selling its ELEVENTY!!!11” rage articles. The problem with doing that is that rage is like a drug in that the user finds himself needing more and more of it to get the ‘high’ they are looking for, so the subculture keeps upping the dosage of rage. Sooner or later the cycle will break and the resulting decompensation will be hideous to watch.

/Or have I been watching Criminal Minds too much lately?