
Stephen Colbert on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's Trial at Gitmo

Interesting Times2/28/2013 1:23:51 pm PST

In the “bear shits in the woods” department, yet more evidence the National Review is such a collection of primitive, mouth-breathing, backwards sexists that even its female writers are into misogyny:

Military-Sexual-Trauma Syndrome

Feminists claim (speciously) that a whopping one-quarter of college co-eds are sexually assaulted by their fellow students in college; I am not aware of comparable claims that huge numbers of female college graduates are as a result ending up on the street. (The difference between the outcomes for college graduates and vets does not lie in the relative availability of services: College rape crisis centers and hotlines are barely used.) I am not even aware of claims that victims of stranger rape are more likely to end up dealing drugs and homeless, but that evidence may in fact be out there. (I recently wrote about a tough-as-nails, pro-police building superintendent in the Bronx who was raped three times, including by her mother’s boyfriend as a child; she is only one case, obviously, but she was not on disability benefits or on the streets.)

But let’s say that for these homeless female vets, it really was their sexual experiences in the military that caused their downward spiral into, as the Times puts it, “alcohol and substance abuse, depression and domestic violence.” Why then have those same feminists who are now lamenting the life-destroying effects of “MST” insisted on putting women into combat units?

(I linked to a WebCite cache because I don’t want to give the stupid shit the satisfaction of more hits)