
Photo Gallery: Veterans Passed Over Due to Prejudice Receive the Medal of Honor

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)3/19/2014 3:14:06 am PDT

re: #64 Dark_Falcon

That rests on the assumption that the primary reason for the emergence of the Tea Party was Barack Obama’s race, which I would contest sharply. His race motivated a good bit of the animosity directed at him, but it did not cause that animosity to become organized. The organization arose in response to the presidents ideology and policy plans.

I seriously doubt McCain would have pushed for massive abortion restrictions or if he could have gotten any such restrictions past the Senate.

Yeah, it’s kind of obvious a lot of the animus towards Obama, not just from the Tea Party, but definitely from the Tea Party, is based on race. This is pretty obvious from the get-go, since the main policies he began with were continuations of Bush’s attempts to address the financial meltdown. The ‘birther’ shit is also really obvious racism.

And since the GOP has been pushing for massive abortion restrictions everywhere they can, it seems a weird hope that McCain wouldn’t have pushed for them nationally.