
Scozzafava Bails

Velvet Elvis10/31/2009 10:01:52 am PDT

re: #94 fish

The public option is not even close to the craziest stuff the far left has: Global warming is bad but we cant use Nuclear Power to fix it. The rich should be taxed until the aren’t rich any more, Capitalism is wrong and unjust, George Bush is Satan and personally caused 9/11.

Right wing crazies kill abortion providers, left wing crazies kill lumber jacks.

If you don’t see the crazy on the other side of the aisle you are not looking very hard.

Global warming shouldn’t be a political issue and increasing isn’t. The reality of climate change is now accepted in a lot of Republican quarters too. Science doesn’t have an R or D after its name. Nuclear power is likely to be part of the final C&T bill to help lure republican votes. Such was the case with the proposal put forth by Lindsey Grahm and John Kerry. You’re pretty much talking about the positions of far left activists, not mainstream Democratic thought.