
What Right Wing Racism?

iceweasel3/13/2010 7:04:17 pm PST

re: #88 LudwigVanQuixote

And BTW, the entire phrase “white culture” is about as stupid and ignorant as it gets.

It is also inherrently racist on two counts.

First, there is no such thing as “white culture.”

Excellent post. Abbreviated only for emphasis. I would add, to tie it into the earlier points in re: norse mythology and celtic stuff, that there is also a certain element among white supremacists that fantasises about some ‘pure’ white culture. That’s why they seek to co-opt those particular references and cultures. It has some parallels with the various fascist and racist nationalistic movements in the UK— there it’s a fantasy about some “british culture” or “english cultural tradition” which in fact never existed at all, not in the way they mean it.

The whole strategy isn’t very different from the Nazis’ various fantasies about Aryans and a master race and their similar efforts to distort and appropriate history to that effect.