
Mississippi Gov. Refuses to Condemn KKK License Plate

moderatelyradicalliberal2/16/2011 10:34:37 am PST

re: #76 Spocomptonite

“I don’t go around denouncing people, I don’t even denounce the news media” -Haley Barbour

Barbour’s speech at CPAC

I like the parts where he denounces the “liberal agenda”, Health care, “the damage being done by the blizzard of the Obama administration’s job crushing regulations”, and, my personal favorite, “the liberal media elites”.

In his defense though, he said it wasn’t going to happen, not that it already did happen. ///

You know it would seem to me that dealing with Barbour would be relatively easy. If he’s such a good governor how come his state is still dead last or next to last in nearly every quality of life measure after he’s run as governor? If he hasn’t been able to take them from the 50th to the 45th poorest state at least, he wasn’t worth a shit as governor.