
Not Again - School Shooting in Newtown, Connecticut

Ziggy_TARDIS12/14/2012 9:47:55 am PST

re: #89 Dark_Falcon

One of the British Hosts of Top Gear. Somehow the circles I run in love him.

The guy has said this:

In the last couple of weeks everyone has been asking how on earth the greatest and most powerful nation on earth could be so crippled by a bit of wind and rain.
The rest of the world has natural disasters without the whole of society falling to pieces. So why is it different in America?
Well, if you stop and think about it, the answer is obvious.
America may have given the world the space shuttle and, er, condensed milk, but behind the veneer of civilisation most Americans barely have the brains to walk on their back legs.

and this:

Hurricane Katrina didn’t just knock a few bricks from the fabric of a levee. More importantly, it knocked a few bricks also from the notion that America is a shining beacon of hope for a troubled world.
It isn’t. It’s a house of straw. With no education to glue that straw together.

this too:

I think it’s a good idea to tie Peter Mandelson to a van. Such an act would be cruel and barbaric and inhuman. But it would at least cheer everyone up a bit.

had a conversation about German Cars that had this “gem.”:

Clarkson: We should do a car that’s quintessentially German
Hammond:What replace the spoons with little sausages?
Clarkson: No, no. Give it traffic indicators that go like that. (gives Nazi salutes) A SatNav that only goes to Poland. Und ein fanbelt zat vil last for a thousand years!