
Wingnut Bloggers Claimed Photos Showed 'Muslims Dragging Stevens' - Actually Showed Libyan Rescuers

makeitstop9/17/2012 3:09:23 pm PDT

Josh Marshall offers solid analysis, as usual:

Fringier folks in the GOP say things like this. Gary Bauer did just a couple days ago when he said Obama’s coalition was made up of welfare recipients and vote fraudsters. Bauer though was smart enough not to put a percentage to the charge. Doing so deprives Romney of a vital wiggle room. He’s not just talking about some few percentage points that make up the moocher vote. He’s talking about everybody who supports Obama.

So if some Democrat says that if you support Barack Obama, Romney is talking about you, that Democrat would be on steel-reinforced ground. Are you one of those 47% of the electorate that the polls consistently tell us support Barack Obama? He’s talking about you. It’s not an exaggeration.

So the country is divided in two: on one side, the self-sufficient and high-achieving Republicans and on the other side the losers who think government needs to take care of them.

This is the caricature of Mitt Romney, who was born on 3rd base (in Ann Richards memorable phrase), thinks he hit a triple and thinks the broad middle class who’ve relied on government for student loans or social security or anything else are losers who can’t get their act together and take responsibility for themselves. Only this tape says that caricature Mitt Romney is the real Mitt Romney.

Big problem.