
Some Thoughts on Twitter, Censorship, Free Speech and Social Responsibility

Bass Reeves12/11/2016 4:47:24 pm PST

Okay, what exactly is there to be sympathetic to Melania about? She looks miserable? Who the fuck cares if she’s miserable? She aided and abetted the election of DJT. She came out and made shitty speeches for him (and lied), she did shitty interviews for him (and lied), and she only started looking sad when people pointed out how dishonest and awful she was. She only got pulled back because she was too easy a chink in Donald’s armor. She aided and abetted whatever is happening now, and whatever the long term consequences for this.

JFC slut-shaming? She’s an awful person who is as dishonest as the rest of them, and will be responsible for the pain and suffering of actual innocent people all over the GLOBE, and we can’t point out she was a nude model to the family values crowd? Twitter is verifying white supremacists, and LGF is like ‘Don’t talk bad about Melania’.

Umm….are y’all really ready for the next four years? I’m all about staying true to principles (see my views re: Bernie), but teleski is up in arms about a bad SNL skit, and we’re acting like DJT is beating Melania, instead of just being rich and not objectionable to her.