
Video Emerges Showing WH Chief of Staff John Kelly Lied About Rep. Wilson - But He Refuses to Back Down

RiverBoy10/20/2017 12:51:42 pm PDT

Yes America has always had its problems. This country has a long history of spouting its great ideals but never truly living up to them. We have been indoctrinated with American Exceptionalism for generations so our population has a major superiority complex. And since POC have been crapped on throughout our history some in this country will never see us as truly American. Racism is a fabric of this Nation unfortunately and to rid ourselves of it is going to take a lot fight. I believe we became too complacent with the fight. I believe we took signs of progress as we were winning the fight and got lazy.

It will be a long road ahead even with Trump out of office. Trump is not the cause of this he is a symptom of the larger GOP problem that has been going on for quite some time. And even though the GOP has been ethically bankrupt for years the Democrats can’t seem to beat them. This is the problem. How does the Democratic party keep losing ground to these people! It’s hard to sit here and come up with any other answers than incompetency.