
Video: Seth Meyers on Trump's Week of Unprecedented Corruption Scandals and ... The Space Force

KGxvi8/09/2018 7:56:50 pm PDT

re: #111 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

And let’s face it, if the judge had gotten Trump’s gang of dipshits before the bench, we all would have enjoyed hearing what he had to say, because as was pointed out several times upthread, a federal judge on his (or her) bench is the one force within these United States with which one does NOT fuck. They are chosen because they take their role and responsibilities very seriously.

House Republicans would be trying to impeach the judge, and Senate Democrats would be laughing and laughing and laughing…

Which, by the way, seems like the inherent flaw in their “Let’s Impeach Rosenstein” plan… there’s no way they’re going to get 16 Democratic votes to remove him, either.