
Overnight Open Thread

Nerdy Fish2/16/2012 5:59:39 am PST

re: #114 Bubblehead II

Morning Lizards. I was debating on wether to go to this, but have decided not to. Going to be way to many kids there.

Beth Pendergrass, spokeswoman for the Twin Falls School District, said some Twin Falls High teachers might bring their classes to the auditorium for Paul’s speech. An opt-out form for those classes was sent home for parents to sign.

Other students wanting to attend have to bring a written note to school today from their parent.

And here is a interesting tidbit that I bet RP just loves.

Seventeen-year-olds will be able to vote in Idaho’s first Republican Party presidential caucus, as long as they’ll turn 18 before the November presidential election.

Because the young and impressionable, or the old and senile, are about the only voters that Luap Nor can attract. That right there should say something.