
Romney to Donors: Obama Won Because of "Gifts" to Minorities

Viscous Obama11/14/2012 5:11:47 pm PST

The extended Romney quote from the original New York Times article:

“You can imagine for somebody making $25,000 or $30,000 or $35,000 a year, being told you’re now going to get free health care, particularly if you don’t have it, getting free health care worth, what, $10,000 per family, in perpetuity, I mean, this is huge,”

OMG FREE health coverage for poor people! Even if they’re making $35,000! Still shiftless bastards!

“Likewise with Hispanic voters, free health care was a big plus. But in addition with regards to Hispanic voters, the amnesty for children of illegals, the so-called Dream Act kids, was a huge plus for that voting group.”

A huge plus, eh? He says that like it’s a bad thing.

That’s all you really need to know about him really.