
Gun Activists Say: Obama Is Raising a Private Black Army to Massacre White People

Sir John Barron2/22/2013 2:40:29 pm PST

I know it’s been a busy day of derp, but Peggy Yard Signs Noonan is having a sad, and none of yous people have noticed (h/t PM Carpenter and Balloon Juice):

But we’ve been through it before, and you wonder, again, why a triumphant president and a battered Republican House majority can’t reach a responsible agreement.

And then you remind yourself why. Because Mr. Obama thrives in chaos. He flourishes in unsettled circumstances and grooves on his own calm. He spins an air of calamity, points fingers and garners support. His only opponent is a hapless, hydra-headed House. America has a weakness for winners, and Republicans just now do not look like winners.

PBO “grooves on his own calm.” How more evil than that can you get?