
New Bill to Put Texas Creationists Under the Microscope

Maximu§4/02/2009 10:18:25 pm PDT

re: #109 Salamantis

The 14th Amendment applies federal laws to the states. And the 1st Amendment forbids favoring one faith over any others, which is exactly wht you mean, because when you say you want religion mentioned in public high school science classes, you mean YOUR religion, and not all those others - which renders your desire unconstitutional under the 1st Amendment Establishment Clause, not to mention the Free Exercise Clause, which would be violated of kids of religion X were forced to listen to religion Y but not their own in public schools. And public schools are indeed part of government, so the 1st Amendment expressly applies.

And there aren’t ‘two’ sides here; there is only evolution, which is supported by ALL the empirical evidence; creationism isn’t ‘another’ side; it’s not empirical science, but religious dogma, unsupported by a single shred of empirical evidence, and as such has no place whatsoever in public high school science class.

Looking at the kids I see now-a-days, a few words from the Good Book would’nt hurt them at all Sal.