
The Bob Cesca Show: Very Weapons Talented

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion2/23/2018 2:48:02 pm PST

re: #107 Blind Frog Belly White

Yeah, but more the post-comet world envisioned by Niven and Pournelle, where the Upstanding White People of the Sierra foothills had to hold out against the Ravening Cannibalistic* Hordes pouring out of the cities.

*Why do black people always turn cannibal at the drop of a hat, or a nuke, or in this case a comet, in white people’s Post-Apocalyptic fiction?

Well the average American household has about 3-7 days of food and water and that is a fact. Any disruption of “the system” that lasts longer than a week is going to lead to people starving to death and/or doing crazy shit to survive unless there’s a massive national or international relief effort that happens immediately. If it’s a nation-wide or world-wide event, FEMA or the UN will not be coming to rescue anyone. It will turn into Mad Max relatively fast.

Then add a bit of racism and the notion “everyone in the cities is a taker/leech/on welfare/etc” and you see where it goes.

They all secretly want to kill all the “leeches” and then be the people who get to decide how the New (White) Murca that all these “cool ranch patritos™” create will be run.