
Midday Open Thread

jvic3/19/2010 9:02:06 pm PDT

re: #1064 negativ

See, when an idea comes to you from God, it means two things:
1) You are TOTALLY on God’s radar, and He has Plans For You. Therefore, your will is God’s will. This is arguably the most egregiously narcissistic idea that the human brain can form.
2) Anyone who would attempt to argue you away from your idea is by definition opposing the will of God, seeing as you are the chosen hand of the creator of the universe. They are your enemy, which by definition makes them the enemy of God.

It’s been almost thirty years since I read William James’ Varieties of Religious Experience—now public domain & online afaik—, but it made a lasting impression on me.

James sidesteps the question of whether the experiences are factually correct to look at their consequences. He notes that people are transformed to do things that they would not have done previously. Therefore he concludes that the transformational experiences are legitimate phenomena worthy of scientific, i.e. medical, study.

However, he repeatedly emphasizes that the assessment of such experiences depends on their consequences: consequences for the individual who had the experience, and consequences for the people whom that individual subsequently influences. Unfortunately, an overwhelming internal revelation can harden into denial when outside reality does not confirm it. Although many of the religious right’s criticisms of our society merit consideration, IMO the rr’s propensity to take refuge in denial is where they go astray.

Or it’s where they are led astray by cynical manipulators at the top of the theocon food chain.
*** *** ***
And now I really should take off.