
A Scathing Piece by Madeleine Albright Says Trump Is Leading the World... Into Fascism

Belafon4/06/2018 2:04:57 pm PDT

re: #100 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

There’s a reason why the top income brackets are taxed so much more than the lower ones, and that’s because those at the top can afford to shoulder more of the tax burden whereas those at the bottom can’t. If you taxed the poor at 25%, there’d be a lot more homeless and starving. Oh, and let’s not forget that this is the income tax - a lot of America’s wealthiest don’t earn their money through income, but through capital gains. So the tax-bashers need to quit their bitching and figure out how to state their argument that doesn’t come across as, “Fuck poor people.” Because I will have none of that shit.

We all found out that Romney’s actual tax rate was well under what most middle income people were paying.