
More Innocent Torture Victims Suddenly Become Jihad Warriors

Desert Dog2/04/2009 9:52:03 am PST

re: #85 Westward Ho

IMHO the Bush adminstration also needs to be blamed for not developing some legal infrastructure to handle these anomalous cases despite having ample time on their hands. Atleast the people involved in the 911 attacks should have been tried by a military court and executed by now.

That delay is curious. I know the Dems and “world opinion” stood in the way for some of the military tribunals they wanted to start. Leaving this mess for Obama was a mistake. Bush had years to do something and should have set up some kind of system. Now that Obama is in charge, you can bet these scumbags will get more protections than US citizens if they even make it to a trial, or even worse, just flat out let go.