
Which One of These Anti-Semitic Cartoons Is Not Like the Others

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)1/29/2013 8:16:36 am PST

re: #118 Buck

Of course there is a difference when you put a large hanging nose on a Jewish leader than when you make any nose red.

There’s a difference in that, like you, it reminded me of antisemitic caricature. That doesn’t make it antisemitic.

AND of course to ignore that he put a sharp blood dripping weapon in the Jewish leaders hand and shows him using the blood of Palestinian women and children would be to ignore the entire history of Blood liable.

The blood libel is an accusation that Jews use the blood of Christians in secret religious ceremonies.

This cartoonist has used blood imagery multiple times. It is not unusual for him to do.

I disagree with the cartoon in terms of taste, what ‘argument’ it has is piss-poor, but how is it not clear that the cartoon is alleging that Bibi is fine with large amounts of Palestinian deaths and spilled blood in protecting Israel?

What you’re saying is amounting to the idea that showing Bibi + blood = blood libel, even though the same cartoonist has showed other leaders metaphorically covered in blood.

You’ll notice that Scarfe’s portrayals of Obama could be said to be calling on racist caricature as well— except it’s obvious that this is just his drawing style.