
Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller Lie About "Muslim Mob" Attacking Jews in Australia

Skandal11/02/2013 9:01:16 pm PDT

re: #11 CuriousLurker

Sorry for the delayed response. Life has a way of intervening at the most inopportune times.
Once again, point well taken. It does behoove one to back up one’s assertions with actual evidence/arguments as opposed to simply stating things as facts or givens. I specifically avoided making any reference to “anti-semitism” per se but to varying degrees the term does indeed apply to the examples of questionable associations Loon Watch promotes. If you wish I would gladly engage in a civil, respectful and constructive exchange of views. Below are just a few examples of what I was referring to.

Regarding Max Blumenthal, please read this review in The Nation (a very progressive magazine, as I’m sure you know) of Blumenthal’s current book about Israel. It sums up very well why Blumenthal is justifiably referred to as a hate promoter.

As for Mondoweiss it is not even remotely left wing. As is commonly assumed or presumed. The founder, Phil Weiss, used to write for many years for Pat Buchanan’s American Conservative magazine. DailyKos banned people several years ago from linking to Mondoweiss.

A great article from Tablet: Mondo Weiss.

A Reminder That Anti-Semitism Has No Place in Debates Over Israel

An excellent collection of Mondoweiss’s hatred

As for Richard Silverstein, he isn’t really to be taken seriously but his crudity and viciousness is very well known by those who follow this issue. He has been successfully sued for libel for his relentless attacks against those whom he disagrees with on this issue.

The co-founder of Electronic Intifada, Ali Abunimah, is one of the most outspoken and prolific voices in the twitisphere on this issue. Yet, even MJ Rosenberg, who himself has been accused of anti-semitism, write recently about Ali’s hate speech: Mondoweiss Demands I Apologize To Ali Abunimah For Calling Him An Anti-Semite

I hope this clarifies to some extent why I wrote what I did and please let me know what you consider of the above requires any further elaboration. I definitely despise Islamophobia in any form. In addition, the degree to which anti-semitism is any less prevalent than a 100 years ago is debatable.
Thanks again for your response(s). They are truly appreciated and always food for thought. I’m definitely looking forward to future discussions.