
They can't help themselves

palomino2/09/2014 8:03:35 pm PST

re: #9 rosiee

Nice groupthink you have going on here!
Conservative bad
Libreral Good
me smash!

Oh, you’re the Hulk.

That would explain why most of your comments are unintelligible gibberish. Of all lizards, I think I’d vote for you as Most Dishonest/Trolly Lizard. It’s awards season, after all.

Why would I give you the Razzie? Because you’re not interested in conversation or real debate, which involves an honest exchange of ideas. Instead, you just make snarky angry comments and then run away. Like a kid lighting a bag of shit on fire, leaving it on his neighbor’s doorstep, ringing the doorbell, then running away.

You might actually have some interesting intelligent insights. But since you approach this board like it’s a toilet, I guess we’ll never know.