
The Burlington NC Neo-Nazi who inspired Dylann Roof

Scottish Dragon6/29/2015 8:31:15 pm PDT

I gotta hit the sack, but I will leave this last tidbit from the SPLC interview with Ben Covington (Harold’s brother) that I linked above.

What’s your brother up to now?
His latest thing has been these Northwest trilogy novels. Those bother me because that’s The Turner Diaries all over again. [Editor’s note: The Turner Diaries is a racist novel, written by a neo-Nazi leader, that has been credited with inspiring violence including the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.] When Harold was involved in the North Carolina Klan, it was some other poor, dumb bastard who was willing to go out there and do the dirty work. Because the bottom line here is that my brother is a coward. He has always been a coward and he will die a coward. The thing that bothers me about these Northwest trilogy books is that he is going to pick up some poor, deluded kid who is going to read these marvelous tomes about how white people can fight back, about how “we’re going to kill all the n******s and the Jews and the mestizos,” about how “we’re going to form this great Aryan republic in the Pacific Northwest,” Microsoft and Starbucks notwithstanding. And this poor dumb kid is going to go out and ruin somebody’s life. And that scares me to death.