
Transcripts of Trump's Calls With Foreign Leaders Leaked, and Wow, Are They Ever Bizarre

lawhawk8/03/2017 11:19:31 am PDT

The more we learn about Trump, the more people should realize he never should have been elected, let alone run for the White House. The man is wholly incompetent and clearly lacking in character and judgment.

Of course, his supporters point to all these failings as the very reason he should be in office - because he’s going to blow stuff up and destroy government as it is currently functioning to make way for something (different/worse/smoking hole in the ground/white supremacist utopia, take your pick).

The entire admin is thoroughly compromised, and all we’ve seen is that Trump cannot be allowed to talk to anyone privately or conduct foreign policy because he’s going to destroy alliances and friendly relations with our neighbors and allies, all while ignoring the hostile acts of countries like Russia. It always comes back to Russia.

Trump never talks badly about Russia. Instead, he’s bitching about how Congress is making his life hard in dealing with Russia. Trump constantly overlooks/ignores/doesn’t accept the US intel community view on Russian interference in the US elections, and instead takes the Wikileaks (aka Russia), Faux News, Infowars, Sputnik view that nothing happened or that it was out of Russia’s control to influence the outcome of the election.

At every step, Trump is lying his ass off, and those lies continue piling up and the GOP controlled Congress is still covering for him. Unfortunately, that wont stop until the GOP lose their grip on power.

Even news that Trump needs minders to keep him focused (the latest being Kelly) shows that Trump is a 25th Amendment mess, if only the GOP cared enough about the Constitution to do their jobs (they don’t).