
Stunning Video Shows Cambridge Analytica CEO Discussing Using Bribery and Sex Workers

makeitstop3/19/2018 2:39:40 pm PDT

That video is damning, CA’s denials and disclaimers notwithstanding.

I posted this in the last thread:

A little speculation on the Cambridge Analytica video…

Given as how Bannon was pretty closely tied with the Mercers, who’s to say that CA didn’t turn that bribery - sex workers thing on their own party?

You know Bannon would be down with it. And it would go a long way in explaining why no one on the R side has made a peep in opposition to Trump.

(I’m convinced that Republicans have been forced into acquiescence due to blackmail. I’ve always thought the raw materials for blackmail came from the Russian hack of the RNC, but this CA story seems like it could have been used against ‘friend’ and ‘foe’ alike, given Trump’s paranoia and Bannon’s worst impulses.)

After watching that video, it seems even more plausible that Trump/Bannon could have run a sting on their own presumptive party.