
New From Seth Meyers: Trump Prepares for Impeachment Trial After Lev Parnas Bombshell [VIDEO]

KGxvi1/20/2020 9:45:24 pm PST

re: #8 Renaissance_Man

I think this is overly optimistic, but hopefully you’re right. I don’t see how Republicans lose the Senate at all.

Arizona, Colorado, Maine, and North Carolina are going to be tough defenses for the GOP. What little polling there has been thus far is showing tight races in places we wouldn’t normally expect, including McConnell’s own race. Hell, Purdue in Georgia against a generic Democrat is only running at 35%. The field might be much wider than we would normally think. Trump’s historically unpopular and there seems to be indications that this might be one of the highest turn out elections we’ve seen in living memory.

I’m choosing to be optimistic, perhaps overly so, because the alternative is just too damn depressing.