
Spencer: Teaming Up with Euro-Supremacists Again

gegenkritik10/07/2009 2:39:25 pm PDT

re: #10 Dante41

I have not had the opportunity to read all of your posts on the matter Charles, so forgive me if you have made this point already.

I see a foreboding repeat of history happing, akin to the rise of the Nazi’s. They have simply changed their hatred of Jews to hatred of Muslims. And just like before, people don’t care, since that religion is currently the one that is okay to hate. Islamophobia doesn’t have the history of hate that antisemitism does, but since 9/11, it happens to be “accepted”.

To sum up, “same rise, different scapegoat”.

I think there’s a difference between xenophobia and anti-semitism: while xenophobes want to deport everyone they blame for unemployment, crime-rate and so on, anti-semites are looking for the destruction of Jews, no matter where they live. While I agree that the “scapegoat”-thing fits for organizations like BNP or VB, it does not for anti-semitism, which is different, because the anti-semite is projecting his own desires on his image of the Jew (wealth without working, controlling the world, lust). This results in a (self-)destructive drive and the murder of Jews.