
What Right Wing Racism?

Killgore Trout3/13/2010 6:28:23 pm PST

re: #3 Obdicut

There is absolutely no secret that Ron Paul is both himself racist (or willing to race-bait). Ron Paul’s start is rising in today’s GOP— even with the contents of his newsletter well-known.

Limbaugh is defended no matter how clearly he race-baits.

Birtherism is incredibly prominent in the modern GOP.

The Ron Paul/Glenn Beck/Birch society racism is a tricky critter to grasp. They hate Lincoln for the Civil War and think the Civil Rights movement and “social justice” churches are a communist plot. Obama’s deep seated hatred of “white culture”. Rush has his own problems but seems eager to adopt the Birch Society version of racism because it’s really hard for most “normal” people to get a grip on.