
People Have Been Convicted Of Murder On Far Less Evidence

Off Colfax7/06/2011 1:42:00 pm PDT

re: #11 marjoriemoon

Casey Anthony had two things on her side. First, a perhaps overzealous District Attorney’s Office who firehosed the jury with every possible charge instead of picking their strongest case and running with it. Second, a more competent defense team who were masters at (legal) jury manipulation and the raising of reasonable doubts.

If Scott Peterson had had the exact same set of lawyers sitting the bar for his trial, odds are fairly good that he could have gotten off scot free. Yet Peterson had one problem that Anthony didn’t: evidence showing immediate capacity to flee the state and/or country. Anthony didn’t show up at a golf game with her own father while carrying 15k in cash and someone else’s drivers license, after all.

Innocent people may go out and try to forget their troubles for a few nights a week, but innocent people rarely flee the jurisdiction. And that’s a sign that few juries can ignore. You run or you ready to run, you gotta had done something to make you run.