
Hilarious Video: Samantha Bee's NSFW Rant on Trump's October Surprise

piratedan10/12/2016 12:44:42 am PDT

I look at the GOP problems and they are daunting…

1) racism - sure, they have Ben Carson and before him Hermain Cain… but how close are they to the levers of power. Do they have anyone like John Lewis? Barrack Obama?

Read any comment section, look at who is showing up to their rallies. Even more telling, look at what legislation they are passing or attempting to pass. Voter ID laws and voting restrictions primarily aimed at minority voters. Lobbying to fly Confederate Flags at national cemeteries.

2) Cleek’s Law - you cannot run a national platform as being the Anti party. Against abortion, against gun control, against government interference in business, against rights for women, minorities, non heterosexual sexual orientation. All of the tried and true patter and jive that they’ve been selling has been proven not to work, their economic, business and social positions are all outdated and deemed offensive.

3) How can you be the party of strong foreign policy and have your candidate be under the sway of our main ideological opponent in the world? Plus, you don’t even seem to give a shit that he’s been compromised. You can’t simply bomb every fucking body that disagrees with you nor can you simply invade them and take their stuff.

4) lack of introspection - these guys have no way of doing anything about their faults. The GOP Establishment laid out what was wrong with their party in 2012. What did the establishment do to fix it. Apparently not a damn thing. In addition to not learning any lessons, they have also apparently lost control of their party.

5) In the short term, its been fun to watch those that have driven their bus off the cliff but I suspect that we all know that this kind of upheaval is going to have telling consequences.

a) how do we end up kicking these alt-right loons back under their rock, and how do we disarm them without getting the scooter brigade completely unhinged?
b) how do we recover from being a pseudo police state and start getting law enforcement to recognize that their job is to protect and serve not subdue and execute
c) watch the reformation of political parties because make no mistake, I suspect that with the GOP disintegration, we may well see the coalition that has been assembled to combat the GOP splinter itself as the GOP devolves into an alt-right fascist organization.

The only thing that comforts me, is thinking that Hillary probably has plans to meet with Nancy Smash and Schumer to get an agenda put together and to try and be effective in prioritizing and implementing what needs to be done. If nothing else, she has shown herself to be one very prepared lady.