
More Advertisers Drop Beck

SixDegrees9/03/2009 1:34:03 pm PDT

re: #109 EmmmieG

I’m very sorry, but I disagree. The only organization, governmental or non, with the right to take Beck off of his program is Foxnews.

The government does not regulate political content. It does regulate obscenity, so if Beck gets nekkid or brings on nekkid people, they can act. Otherwise, as long as Foxnews is willing, he can broadcast.

(Full disclosure: I don’t own a television, so I can’t watch.)

No one is saying otherwise. The boycott, in fact, is directly targeting Fox in an attempt to pressure them into removing Beck from the airwaves. No government involvement whatsoever.

Frankly, I’d think the current Administration would be doing everything it can to keep Beck on the air. You can’t buy advertising that makes the GOP look more ridiculous than what Beck puts on the air and stains the party with every time he appears.