
NFL Players Opposed to Rush Limbaugh Bid for St. Louis Rams

Alan K. Henderson10/12/2009 10:12:02 am PDT

Rush’s team will beat the Redskins with half the defensive secondary tied behind his back.

re: #17 metrolibertarian

Were the opinions of NFL players taken before or after Rush’s braindead statement last week that basketball is a sport of gang members?

That’s not an accurate statement:

LIMBAUGH: It’s not reasonable that you should understand the insanity that local and state and federal bureaucracies are doing. It’s perfectly normal and understandable that none of what they do would make sense to you. My question — OK, a 1 cent sales tax to fight gang violence. What do you spend the money on to fight gang violence? Afterschool program — don’t we already have afterschool programs? Don’t we already have — what do you call it, extracurricular events? Midnight basketball — I mean, we’ve done it all. We’ve taken the favorite sport of gangs, and we put it at midnight to get them on the basketball court. We had 100,000 new cops with Clinton — we’ve done it all. And the problem still is out of control. Liberalism doesn’t work.

Ironically, Media Matters (who transcribed the cited quote) vindicates Limbaugh. The phrase “sport of gang members” would imply a sweeping generalization about basketball, that B’s membership is dominated by G. Limbaugh said the reverse, that G plays basketball more than any other sport. And it’s true - most American gangs are inner-city phenomena, and the sport played by most inner-city folks, criminal or otherwise, is basketball. There isn’t room in the inner city to play any other major sport.

Limbaugh simply questioned the notion of using the gangs’ sport of choice as a means of dissuading them from crime.