
Live Video: Senate Confirmation Hearings for Secretary of Defense nominee Chuck Hagel

Ming1/31/2013 11:44:15 am PST

re: #54 Lidane

Sorry, but I think if the Democrats nominate Hillary Clinton in 2016, they’ll be taking a big risk. The risk is totally unnecessary; the Democrats have a great demographic advantage, and should win easily. But Hillary Clinton has been a prominent public figure for over 20 years, and many many voters have made up their minds about her. Personally, I would never vote for her.

I want the Democrats to win in 2016; it’s doubtful the Republicans will have regained their sanity by then. But not with Ms. Clinton. She’s done a fine job as Secretary of State, and she and her husband have made some great contributions, but she has a past, many voters will never vote for her, and there is no need for the Democrats to take the risk.