
And Now, a Stunning Live Jam From Julian Lage: "General Thunder"

Belafon2/09/2018 7:38:04 am PST

I’ve been thinking about Nancy Pelosi’s stand on the floor a couple of days ago, and the argument that it’s time for the older generation to move aside for the younger ones. I’m a Gen Xer, so I fall kind of in the middle, but her stand made me realize the answer to that challenge. And the answer is this: If the younger generation wants to become the new leaders, then they need to fight at least as hard as those like Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, etc. Handing it to you without you earning it really is a participation trophy, and will only hurt Democrats and the country.

Now, my generation kind of sucked at it, except for Obama, Lieu, and a few others. And the new generation was trying to skate by - everyone else will take care of it - until Obama Trump came along. So, I think we might start finding our next generation of leaders. But they’ll earn it.

Edit: Got the name wrong near the end.