
Video: Trump Denies Advocating Guns in Classrooms, Then Says "Teachers Should Have Guns"

Sir John Barron5/23/2016 6:15:09 am PDT

re: #119 lawhawk

The move to the middle. Islamophobia and xenophobic positions are only slightly less so. They’re negotiable.


It’s the same nonsensical ravings from Trump re: guns in classrooms. No guns in classrooms, but teachers should have guns. What to believe?

This is what I believe.

Trump is a demagoguing lying asshat (band name?!) who believes 50% of what he says, and blusters the other 50%. It is up to us to try and figure out what he means, but for most people that’s way too much work.

So, here’s a simple handy dandy guide:

If you’re looking at Trump, take him at his word on his being an Islamophobe and xenophobe. Those are the things he’s repeated ad nauseum and is consistent on. He’s consistently pushed for massive tax breaks for the rich and burden shifting on to everyone else.

He’s unreliable on most everything else and his lack of character or judgment should be disqualifying as a presidential candidate. In fact, he’s probably the worst major party candidate to get the nomination from either party in generations. Take the worst features from all the worst presidents, put them together in a pressure cooker, and add a good dose of xenophobia and racism, and that’s Trump - who is the GOP id and ego distilled to its essence.

Everything’s negotiable. Believe me. Except Americans are tired of living not normal with all the terrorism.
