
Wednesday Night Book Thread

Zimriel6/11/2009 7:16:04 am PDT

re: #120 DistantThunder

Keep in mind that reading “Under the Banner of Heaven” would be like reading the History of Little Green Footballs, by Keith Olbermann, with a forward by Pam at AtlasShrugs, and published by the New York Times. You would hardly recognize yourself or your website.

Here is an LDS review of “Banner.” by noted historian Richard Turley.

I call unethical conduct on your part.

“Noted historian”, wherever it appears, is always code for “someone who claims to write history, whose origin I want to hide”. Never, ever use the term “noted historian” in a debate.

Turley works for the Church and his title there is “Church Historian”. There is no such thing as an “Church Historian” any more than “Party Historian”; this term is an oxymoron. The title signals that he is anything but a historian. His duty is to the Church and he finds the facts to fit his narrative. His proper title is “LDS propagandist”.

Your handwaving afterward about how wonderful individual Mormons are, I’m also calling out as attempts to evade the issue. None of these Mormons now excuse or - more importantly - explain what happened in history.