
What Racism at the Tea Parties?

Charles Johnson3/28/2010 4:16:38 pm PDT

re: #123 bricko

Sorry but this Dale Robertson character is NOT a speaker for the Tea Party. He is a tea party of 1 down in Houston. This picture is up on many sites with MANY other things “printed” on it…via photoshop. He is drug out by CNN etc as a spokesman for this very sign. They bring him on to make the tea party look bad per their usual way. Find someone that is a fool to represent the thing they dont like at CNN as a rep for this thing.

He has been asked not to continue his nonsense but …you know the drill with the net.

Then whoever is actually in charge of that group needs to let the Washington Times know that. This is only one of at least half a dozen articles they’ve published about leaders of the tea party movement, referring to Robertson as the founder of