
Video: John Oliver's Latest Tour De Force Exploration of the Economic Crisis in Venezuela

Vicious Babushka5/14/2018 1:23:27 pm PDT

re: #120 William Lewis

The second coming happens every time someone really opens their heart to god and begins to act accordingly - doing justice, loving kindness & mercy, walking humbly with God and loving your neighbor - all your neighbors - as you love yourself. That’s the real end of times for then you forget to worry trying to get into heaven or evade hell and simply live the way you should.

I don’t really care if Trump is judged or not; that’s a decision far above my pay grade as we used to say. To mitigate the damage done here and now? That’s all our jobs.

My son-in-law can be kind of a pill regarding “Let’s All Bring The Messiah Right Now!” cheerleading, but he seems to have the idea that the right way to Bring The Messiah is by being kind to strangers, opening his home to wayfarers and accepting others who are different from him. “Every brick in the Mikdash is a kindness that you do for another person,” he says.