
When Lying Right Wing Hacks Attack (or, Patterico the Idiot)

researchok1/21/2011 11:53:52 am PST

re: #114 jamesfirecat

Just so I can better understand the history of the world and politics, what are the key factors of classical liberals that you feel are missing from today’s version?

Tolerance and a willingness to work to reach their goals in stages (none of the ‘I’m forcing this down your throat, you can read it when it’s passed, if you disagree you are a Nazi’ kind of stuff.

Think Patrick Moynihan, Scoop Jackson, the Kennedy’s, Tip O’Neill, Hubert Humphrey types, etc.

Now those were the guys I respected- and they were the real and inclusive liberals.

They couldn’t get elected today.

That said, the GOP reps are equal as pipsqueaks as their Dem counterparts.