
Video: 'Peace Activists' Prepare Their Weapons to Attack

Charles Johnson6/02/2010 12:13:51 pm PDT

re: #107 kreyagg

I see people trying to ward off an unwarranted attack in international waters with improvised weapons.

Bullshit. You might want to inform yourself on international law before spouting this kind of nonsense. Specifically, paragraphs 67 and 68 of the San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea. Quote:

67. Merchant vessels flying the flag of neutral States may not be attacked unless they:

(a) are believed on reasonable grounds to be carrying contraband or breaching a blockade, and after prior warning they intentionally and clearly refuse to stop, or intentionally and clearly resist visit, search or capture;
(b) engage in belligerent acts on behalf of the enemy;
(c) act as auxiliaries to the enemy s armed forces;
(d) are incorporated into or assist the enemy s intelligence system;
(e) sail under convoy of enemy warships or military aircraft; or
(f) otherwise make an effective contribution to the enemy s military action, e.g., by carrying military materials, and it is not feasible for the attacking forces to first place passengers and crew in a place of safety. Unless circumstances do not permit, they are to be given a warning, so that they can re-route, off-load, or take other precautions.

The flotilla refused all offers to dock and inspect the cargo. They were deliberately attempting to break a completely legal blockade of the Gaza Harbor, which is controlled by a terrorist organization Hamas.

This was not an “unwarranted attack,” it was a completely legal boarding operation. The passengers had no legal right to attack the IDF soldiers.

The whole thing was staged by Turkish Islamists to get exactly this kind of reaction. You’re being played.