
Insanity Break: The Terms

Targetpractice6/18/2012 11:16:46 pm PDT

re: #125 blueraven


She stated in her testimony that she had no idea of the amount in the PP acct, when she clearly did.
It matters not, about the brother in law.
She lied. period.

Look at the questions asked.

Q: How much money is in that website right now? How much money as a result of that website was —
A: Currently, I do not know.

Q: Do you have any estimate as to how much money has already been obtained or collected?
A: I do not.

She’s being asked if she knows how much was in the account at that very moment, which she could truthfully say she did not know. And the question about an estimate would only be false if she did have an estimate, which the state would have to prove.