
National Review's Kevin D. Williamson: Women Who Have Abortions Should Be Hanged, and So Should Doctors

Decatur Deb9/28/2014 3:43:17 pm PDT

re: #123 allegro

Back in the late 80s-early 90s I started to become alarmed at the rise of the religious right and talked about it to friends and family. I always heard “oh, that will never happen, it’s just the fringe” when talking about women’s right to choose. Roe v Wade will never be overturned, they said; contraception will never be questioned, they argued. It was just unthinkable, they laughed, telling me I was nuts for believing my lying eyes.

So here we are. Roe v Wade is still in place technically, but women are denied legal access by cost prohibitive waiting times, distances needed to be traveled because most clinics have been closed due to onerous and ridiculous laws, doctors/nurses being threatened and fucking murdered and more. Now, women who use birth control are sluts and rapists have parental rights.

Fuck this “it will never happen” shit. It HAS happened and it WILL continue to happen the longer an argument like yours continues to be made.

In the early 60s, my history teacher, an ebullient, relentlessly optimistic Franciscan, gave our class a firm logical defense of the Inquisition. Scared the hell out of me (later) and convinced me any of these God-botherers will set up the stakes any time they get the chance.