
New From Olbermann: Why We Must Talk About Trump's Mental Health

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷9/06/2017 10:08:21 pm PDT

As the Wonkette article notes, she is not the first to push this conspiracy theory about so-called never-Trump Republicans; Mike Cernovich has been pushing it since 2016. (My guess it is part of the off-the-rails right trying to stick a shiv in the wingnut establishment right.) Wonkette explains how the conspiracy theory against Ben Sasse goes:

OK, let’s unpack this real fast.

Granted, Hastert is a bona fide sex offender pedo creep rapist. Obviously.

And granted, Omaha is in Nebraska, which is only two states away from Illinois, where Denny Hastert is from. So … one tank of gas each way?

And granted, Ben Sasse did work for the Congressional page program in the late 1990s when Hastert was speaker.

And granted, there was a crazy thing in Omaha between 1988 and 1992, where there were unproven claims of a massive underage child sex trafficking operation known as the Franklin child prostitution ring. It was bugfuck crazy, almost certainly not true, and seemed to be part of the 1980s Satanic Panic that gripped the nation, 99.999999% of which was unmitigated bullshit. But if you ever saw an episode of Sally Jessy Raphael or Geraldo, you know what we’re talking about.

There was some noise around here when Sen. Sasse claimed Feb. 2016 he could not support Donald Trump that he was involved in such things. I am not a fan of my senator, but I hold the probability of him being involved in such behaviour at about zero.