
Tea Party Leader Warns GOP Pols: We're 'Turning Our Guns' On You

jamesfirecat1/06/2010 12:51:45 pm PST

re: #121 garhighway

Well I agree with you on one thing, it’s clearly too early to determine what exactly the status of our nation will look like during the elections which are over half a year away. That’s a lot of time for everyone involved to make (and or loose) ground.

Who knows what exactly Obama will focus on once the great Healthcare debate is over, and how that bill alone will effect the standings of either party.

The only thing I’m willing to venture is that its hard for me to imagine the Tea Party people helping the Republicans win general elections, so it then becomes an issue of will they be just an albatross (as in something that brings them some bad luck) or an actual anchor (as in something that pulls them down into depths from which they are never seen again)_ around the neck of the Republican Party….