
Bawer: Heirs to Fortuyn

gegenkritik4/23/2009 3:23:45 pm PDT

Pro Kln is still a very small group, with not more than 500 members. It’s true that their leading figures Manfred Rouhs (formerly NPD) and Markus Beisicht (formerly Deutsche Liga fr Volk und Heimat) are coming from the militant Nazi-Milieu. Though, they are now trying to give themselves a new image, away from militant Neo-Nazi “against the system”-attitude towards a “loyal to the constitution”.
Their main focus now is agitation against foreigners - especially muslims - and an accentuation of “christian” values.
To “prove” that they aren’t racist, they now always proudly present Joseph Intsiful, as well as an israeli flag. Intsiful is a member of the notorious Society of St. Pius X and of course it’s very clear that he is playing the role for pro Kln that Norman Finkelstein is playing for Anti-Semites worldwide.
But the causa pro Kln also demonstrates what happens, when rightwing-extremists focus on racism instead of anti-semitism: the “real” Nazis from NPD and Freie Kameradschaften (independent Nazis) have released spiteful comments directed at pro Kln, calling them “jewish slaves” and threatens them with violence.

It’s also noteworthy, that the thousands of left counter-protesters last time were partly violent - and not only against the racists of pro Kln, but also against a very small group (not more than 30 people), who had announced a third demonstration, against racism and islamism. Organizer of this small demonstration were Mina Ahadi (who was insulted as “racist”) as well as Holocaust-survivor Ralph Giordano.

I don’t know if the aforementioned will repeat a demonstration. If not, there’s no side to ally with and it may be best to avoid Cologne anyway, as there will be riots for sure.