
Ted Cruz on Meet the Press: You Want Health Insurance? Get a Job.

A Mom Anon9/29/2013 11:58:32 am PDT

I think I got my first downding from this one. Aww. I feel all warm and cuddly now.

Lord. Sometimes one side of an argument is wrong. No nuance, no middle ground, they’re just wrong. I still don’t get where the idea of”free healthcare” came into things. That ER everyone likes to say is free is not at all free, trust me, I’ve got an ER bill from when I didn’t have insurance and I’m STILL paying on it 2 yrs later. None of this is free, it’s being administered by INSURANCE COMPANIES. You have to pay premiums,it’s just that they’ll have to be competitive and offer more for your money and the premiums aren’t going to be the massive cost they are now. Competition should lower prices across the board as more time passes and more people get into the pool. How is that so hard to understand? And how in the hell did we get to the place where having as many people as possible insured become some evildemondevilomgweareallgoingtodie nightmare?