
PETA's Sexualized Ads Don't Work

ausador2/01/2014 12:23:22 pm PST

re: #2 CriticalDragon1177

yeah and in the case of Mario, its not even clear where his raccoon suit comes from. Judging by the game, its magical in nature and probably just comes out of thin air, not a dead raccoon. That makes PeTA’s official position even more ridiculous. What’s it made of? I don’t know. It could be fake fur made out of plant fibers for all I know, and an animal rights group like PeTA shouldn’t mind that. Unless we’re to believe that even that would encourage animal abuse some how, I can’t even see why someone who believed in and was fully dedicated to their cause would care.

In Mario 3D the raccoon ability comes from getting a “Leaf” power-up, it is a magical look/ability, not a fur coat. Just as a “Bell” power-up gives you cat look/ability to climb walls, a “Mushroom” makes you bigger (ala Alice in Wonderland), a “Fireflower” allows you to shoot flaming balls at enemies, and “Twin cherries” creates a duplicate of your character.

PETA’s entire premise with this campaign is nothing short of absurd, you break a certain block and get a “Leaf” that gives you magical raccoon abilities. It isn’t like you chase down, kill and then skin raccoons to make a raccoon suit. Why bring up the raccoon at all anyway? You would think they would have jumped on the cat look as being more inappropriate, especially after their miserably failed “sea kittens” (fish rights) awareness campaign. :p