
Israeli Military Starts Ground Operations in Gaza

Skip Intro7/17/2014 1:26:40 pm PDT

From Jim Wright’s (Stonekettle Station) Facebook page:

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been going on my entire life. My entire life. There’s NEVER been a week in my entire life that these stupid people haven’t been in the news killing each other. They’ve been killing each other for as long as I can remember - and a hell of a lot longer than that. Jehovah gave the land to the Jews. Jesus gave it to the Christians. Allah gave it to the Arabs. Everybody’s God is buried there or has some ancient wrecked temple there or one of their various Holy Joes did a rain-dance and spoke some mumbo jumbo there or consecrated a shiny rock or a magic shrub or had some divine life changing experience there. Both sides are guilty of atrocities. Both sides are right. Both sides are wrong. Israelis kill Palestinian kids. Palestinians kill Israeli kids. The Israelis started it. The Palestinians started it. The Jews are the victims. The Muslims are the victims. It’s all the Israeli’s fault. It’s all the Palestinians fault. On and on, round and round, eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, life for a life and the fuck all I care at this point.

America has this idiotic naive idea that we’re somehow going to broker some kind of something something magic peace complete with flying bunnies and rainbows. We’ve got a road map and everything. Every couple of years we even get them to stop killing each other for maybe five minutes and Americans all grin at each other and say, see? THIS time it’ll be different and while we’re handing out the cigars and the peace medals, Hamas lobs a rocket into a Kibbutz daycare center or a bunch of radical Zionists dust off their Mogen Davids and fire up their bulldozers and they’re all back to killing each other before the ink is dry on the peace accord. These people and their bullshit are the fundamental cause behind 90% of the problems in the Middle East, damned near everything ultimately traces back to this conflict and our constant meddling in it.