
The Breitbart President Is Raging at Delusional Fantasies

Odie Hugh Manatee3/05/2017 8:30:09 pm PST

One thing about this story that really cheers me is that the levels of stress Hair Furor is putting himself under may be shortening the raging assholeā€™s life. I normally wouldnā€™t even consider a thought like that except for the fact that these arenā€™t normal times, he isnā€™t a normal person and I absolutely detest the little dick who thinks he has what it takes to get the job done, but doesnā€™t. So if he is creating and feeding the messes that lead to mounting stresses that shortens his life, thatā€™s on him.

Iā€™m just cheering him on. :)